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Wednesday, August 8, 2007



Hindu Scriptures speaks about three aspects of Ego- Ego here means –I- ness  or self of Individual


1.       First The Phantom ego which is called Jivatma is the reflection of ATMA- para( Transcending).

Since this ego itself is  Phantom ego  , the perception of the world(JAGAT) bereft of the transcending atma is regarding as maya .

When the atma gives up this false/Phantom ego what remains is pure ATMA-para. This path of realization is often regarding

 as the Path of Gnana or Knowledge.(This is regarding as GNANA chakshu or opening of the third eye)


2.       The second aspect of the ego allows some sort of a concession and regards this ego as real , since the ego is regarded as true the world (JAGAT)also is true but only exists with reference to the ATMA-PARA. Apart from the ATMA-para the ego and the world are dummy entities. So the JAGAT and JIVA are totally controlled by the will of SRIMAN NARAYANA. This path of realization is associated with the BHAKTI MARGA

Ex: Prahalada was in this exhaulted state of prapatti.



The Third aspects believes that the ATMA-PARA, world and the JIVAS are all real. THE JIVA progresses or diminishes in accordance with its actions and the JIVAS and the JAGAT are controlled by the will of the LORD HARI. The Jiva is always a DASA to HARI and DASYA BHAVA/BHAKTI is advocated.


EX: HANUMAN was blessed with DASYA Bhava and had the strength to carry the mountain and swallow the SUN GOD and what not.


It is believed that when the EGO is not associated with any of these three aspects, the ego is subjected to Birth and Death- Trans migratory state.






1 comment:

KVSSNrao said...

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